2012年1月18日 星期三

A new year, new wishes.

2012 I am 20 .
20 , what is the meaning of "20" ?

You are mature .
You have many responsibilities .
You are carrying a lot of burdens .

For the year 2012 ,
I realized that I have been lived for nothing for the previous year .
2011  everything was uncleared .
2012  I have to follow my way which I decided last year .

I should make a list of targets of the year 2012 .
But, Will I achieve it at the end of the year ?
I swear I should achieve it .

- No more Fail in my sem 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .
- No more regret in my study .
- Should get scholarship for year 3 .
- Put effort on assignments .
- Able to speak English fluently .
- Get good result from all the final exams.

- Treat others good .
- Don easily angry others .
- Understand them .
- Speak before think .
- Smile .

- Be a good girl in my family .

- Learn a foreign language .
- Read more books .
- Don waste money .
- Achieve the list above .

I will prove myself by achieving them .
Speak is louder than action , I know it .

From now, keep improving myself .
Step by step , my effort will be my evidence .

Yap Kar Yan, You can do IT !
Brave and Confidence !

敢敢踏出去 死不了 !!! Him-ne-se-yo !!!

1 則留言:

HAHAHAHA. 留言,快!!!!!
哈哈哈, 你可以留言了 :"D