2012年3月23日 星期五

Step Forward

I really want to give a big applause to myself today :"D

Hahahaha ...
Because I went to ELS today alone for sitting the placement test for CEP program ..

Everything went smoothly ~
The test took me one and a half hour to finish ~
It included listening, grammar, composition and oral test ...

A bit nervous actually ~
Hahaha ...
By the way,
I have achieved my first small goal this year,
I step forward to my target ... YEAH !
I can do it !

When during the oral test,
my teacher in charge is an American ~
At last, he told me to gather more foreigners and to ask questions to the teachers.
Emm, I really want to do so start from my new semester.

Is it a big step in the way toward to my success ?

My new semester,
I should stay away from Facebook.

I want to get a good result.
Rena Yap, You can do it !

YES, I do.

2012年3月11日 星期日


很勤劳的做了 9 天工 ...
这次 是在 2012年Malaysian International Furniture Fair 做 crew .

嗯 这算重新出发 敢敢踏出的第一步
学习 的第一步
讲英文 的第一步
不逃避 的第一步 :")


试想 如果有一天 我也能代表公司到外国谈生意
感觉多好 !!

不过前提是 我不会刁难在那里打工的人 哈

所以 我要加油 学习加油 努力往自己的目标前进 !!
赢过自己 才能更上一层楼!!

今年要玩 投资比赛 ~ 是时候学习投资了 !!

我要赚大钱 住大屋 买美车
我要进大公司 !!! 哈哈

活得 开心轻松无烦恼 。

我要养家 :") !! 加油 !!